Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Tuesday, October 26th - What time is it???

Okay - it was a six hour time difference in Germany. Now it's an eight hour time difference in Russia. My computer and watch say American time, the clock is now set for Russian time, and my body has not clue what to do or when. We ate breakfast - mashed eggs (kinda like scrambled eggs but mashed instead of whisked), ham and cheese sandwich and rice with butter(normal but it was weird having them for breakfast), porridge (oatmeal), and "pancakes" (the thin outer layer of a crepe without all the gooey stuff that makes them so good). We were so tired that if it wasn't good, we didn't notice. We slept most of the day, and then woke up to venture out for some Russian culture. We quickly changed our minds when we saw a Pizza Hutt!!! Culture quickly gave way to familiarity! It is now 4am and I am ready to go!!! My body is saying..."what time is it?" lol

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