Sunday, March 6, 2011

Sat., March 5th - TODAY IS THE DAY!!!

What a day! Emotional roller coaster is an understatement! It started off by going to a lawyer's office to have some papers notarized, then to the orphanage. I was supposed to get to see Max, but he was sleeping. I wanted to see him sooo badly since today the adoption is official! But, it just didn't seem right to have them wake him from his nap. I keep telling myself that we'll have a lifetime together. Anyway, from there we went to a bank to close an account. This was time consuming and somewhat emotional, but everyone was so nice! By then, Annie and I were starving! The driver and the interpreter, without knowing it, chose to go to my favorite pectopah - the Tea Spoon! They have the best pancakes (crepes) and have awesome fillings. I got my usual potato, mushroom, and cheese. Annie got hot fudge, without bananas this time! YUM! Then it was one more stop at another bank for money exchange and home. Yes, we have been here so long that we are referring to the hotel as home! We are now snuggled in and resting. Church tomorrow morning! HOORAY! We just love Pastor John and his messages! And worship is always great! Then, I promised Annie we'd find a toy store. She has been such a trooper through all the errands, paperwork, and WALKING! We have done more walking here than we have the whole rest of our lives! We are ready for a power shopping trip tomorrow!


  1. YAY!!! So happy for you Tina!!! I have so enjoyed reading about your (and Annie's) adventures in country!! I can't wait to hear all about the rest of your trip and Gotcha Day!!

  2. Thanks! There will be more pictures and updates to come! I'm trying to keep account of everything I can! :-)
